Assembling Alternative Futures for Heritage (or, more simply, Heritage Futures) is a £2.4 million, four-year, inter-disciplinary research programme which aims to develop a broad, international and cross-sectoral comparative framework for understanding ‘heritage’. It is one of the largest critical comparative studies of heritage and heritage-like practices to ever have been undertaken. It consists of academic partners and 18 non-academic partners from across Europe. Future Terrains is one of the latter and is providing industrial heritage advice in relation to the culture of mining and post-mining regeneration to the project research team based in the University of Exeter’s Environment and Sustainability Institute in Cornwall UK.
A major output of the project was the Landscapes in Limbo workshop, held at Wheal Martyn Clay Works museum in the heart of one of the most intensively mined landscapes on the planet. A Future Terrains blog on the event was written and can be accessed here.