Reviews & Audits
We have global experience of reviewing and auditing project plans and activities and contributing to expert reports and perform audits and due diligence reviews to assess project compliance with regulatory and lender requirements. Focus areas include:
- Competent persons reports, including to JORC and NI43-101 guidelines.
- Contributing to pre-feasibility and feasibility studies.
- Reviews of environmental and social impact assessments (ESIA) and related management plans.
- Reviews of mine closure plans and processes.
- Technical expert reviews and due diligence audits against national requirements, international standards, such as the IFC performance standards, Equator Principles and other development bank requirements and good practice guidance, such as the World Bank’s environmental, health and safety guidelines and ICMM toolkits.
A few examples of our reviewing and auditing work are provided below.
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+44 (0)7450 297 124